Pankh Krishna Idol, featuring Lord Krishna in his enchanting form with peacock feathers (Pankh) adorning his crown. In this unique and captivating depiction, Krishna is shown holding his beloved flute, with the delicate peacock feather elegantly placed on his head, symbolizing beauty, wisdom, and divine grace.
The idol beautifully captures Krishna’s serene expression, playful demeanor, and the iconic peacock feather, which represents his connection to nature and his role as the divine protector. The craftsmanship highlights the intricate details of his crown, flute, and flowing robes, making this idol a perfect addition to any home, temple, or meditation space.
The Pankh Krishna Idol brings a sense of peace, joy, and devotion, symbolizing the charm and wisdom of Lord Krishna, who uplifts his devotees with love and spiritual guidance.
Bring home the divine energy of Pankh Krishna, a symbol of love, grace, and the beauty of devotion, perfect for enhancing your spiritual or decorative space.
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